The Poetry Brothel
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Danielle Roberts as Fancy Feast

Kayleigh Shawn Photography

Kayleigh Shawn Photography

Danielle Roberts is a poet, artist, and model from San Francisco but is currently haunting the hallways of New York. She's hungry for so many things that make life beautiful—flowers, antique jewels, and the longing lips of people brimming with secrets waiting to be seen. Formed from unspoken desires clustered on the tongues of mortals, she's an irreverent evil queen who emerged from a field of dying flowers kissed with sunsets and watered with the spilled blood of first love. Pluck a flower from her bouquet and dance with passion herself.

Keep in touch. sonnetscribbler@


My heart is an ossuary:

delicate bones line the chambers, 

buttress my ventricles.

A graveyard of former lovers—

this is their ivory mausoleum.

I’ve gouged out the names

inscribed in my flesh to write

our love anew.

But, they rise— unbidden—

spectral apparitions behind your name.

Like secret desires or

blood stains under black light.

Poet Stream with the Casts

Simply book a 10-minute or 30-minute one-on-one or group session, and a private Zoom meeting will be set up for you and your poet. Your poet will be in touch within 48 hours to schedule the session. If you have a preferred day and time for your session or a regular schedule of availability, please feel free to share those details in your order notes. 

To learn more about Poet Stream, click here.

The Poetry Society of New York

We design innovative poetry experiences.